2024 Competition

The Rules

The competition is open to young people of all abilities, regardless of background. Entrants can be of any nationality but must be currently living on the island of Ireland — we welcome entries form all 32 counties! All entrants must be aged 18 or under on November 1st 2024

All entrants under 18 must have the permission of a parent/guardian to enter and must confirm this on the online submission form.

All entries must be submitted online via THIS IS ART! website by the closing date, midnight November 3rd. Late entries will not be accepted. This closing date is final. If your entry is received after this date, it will not be eligible for the competition. Remember, don't leave it until the last minute! — allow plenty of time to complete and upload your entry.

Each entrant must complete and submit an online entry form, upload one image of their artwork plus one verification photo of themselves with their artwork. Where possible, you should keep the original copy of your artwork for verification purposes.

Each entrant must provide a short artist statement with their submission, detailing the creative process and what their artwork represents.

The artwork submitted must be original and created entirely by the entrant. Any copied, traced, plagiarised or A.I. generated work will be disqualified.

The entrant confirms that any person depicted in the entry has granted permission to be portrayed as shown.

The artwork you submit to This Is Art! must be unique and never submitted to any competition in the past.

If your group’s submission was facilitated or assisted by an adult, educator or professional artist, then please be sure to tell us about it and clearly explain what their involvement was.

The artwork must not feature imagery that the entrant does not own the rights to, including but not limited to Disney, Pixar, Marvel or other known characters, trademarks, brands or intellectual property.

A prize fund of more than €10,000 will be awarded across the different categories for art materials, art experiences and art-related vouchers.