Phoenix • 14 • Cork
12-15 Category • 2024My entry was inspired by my love for Harajuku Fashion and the rise of artificial intelligence. Our protagonist, Mars (named after a Jirei Kei clothing brand and the Roman God of War) was inspired by Jirei Kei fashion and Cyberpunk aesthetics. This piece is about humans fighting against artificial intelligence in a world where AI is taking over and humans have to combat AI Clones using their smarts and speed! In this piece, Mars has just finished her latest elimination of a Clone and is walking away after the battle! I made the models for this piece and then photographed them. My model of Mars is the fourth Prototype because the first one didn’t work out. The store bought clay I tried wouldn’t stick to itself. Next, I tried to make 3d Model to print at my library but it was impossible for me to export or convert my 3D model. The third prototype was made using a 3D pen and plastic filament but I ran out so the incomplete figure became the Clone character in my final piece. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Hehe! These experiments took a whole month and meant I had no more art supplies! I had to get creative with what I had so I went to the kitchen and made clay myself with flour, salt and water! Mars’ hair was made using hot glue since clay was too heavy and I think she’s pretty cool >:3