Faith • 14 • Dublin
12-15 Category • 2024My artwork Is a portrait of myself and my identical twin sister. My artwork highlights the fun my twin sister and i have all the time. The original photo is actually A screenshot from a video where we accidentally At the same time decided to make a silly face. When we realised what had happened we both screamed twin telepathy! This piece highlights the powerful understanding we have of each others minds and the fun we have because of it. I believe we share emotions, and physical experiences without convectional communication. The portrait is actually framed beside multiple other smaller art Pieces to make it seem as if its in an art gallery. To highlight this 3-d like experience, a cartoon woman sits on the ground painting the portrait. The portrait additionally had fun, colourful, quirky zigzag cutouts in Different mediums. I wanted the surrounding features to be as fun as the atmosphere in the photo of me and my sister. By this i mean i wanted an interesting element outside of the main art piece and this is why i decided to add the cartoon woman and colourful cut-outs. I think this work screams fun and laughter and my main objection for this art piece was for the viewers mood to be immediately lifted when they saw this and i believe I achieved this aim.