Noah • 10 • Galway
8-11 Category • 2024I named my piece after one of my favourite pixies' songs. My Dad and I went to their concert this summer in Galway. It was an amazing Experience. My painting reflects how my Imagination creates many worlds inside my mind. using my imagination I have gone to many different places in my Inner world. sometimes i go to beautiful places like "Gaia". Gaia is another art project I have been working on for many months based on the Gaia Theory. Gaia in This painting is reflected by the tree, The Fingers, The Leaves, the shells, the flowers & The Roots - all interconnected like our world really is - A whole living being. The heart in the Painting Represents this also - we are all connected not separate. we are all a Part of Nature and our world. sometimes my Imagination brings me to scary places when i think about awful things in our world like war, Genocide & the destruction of our beautiful planet. In this painting these horrible things are Represented by the Screaming Man. Even though it is really sad and frightening I want to show these things in my art also - I don't want to ignore them and pretend they are not happening. I go to Protests and Peace Vigils with my Parents to face these scary things and ask for a better world for All humans and animals on our planet. I experiment a lot with drawing fingers and hands in my art - I am inspired by the work of egon schiele - in this piece the hand shows how we must face what is scary in our world and not turn away from it. I love to draw eyes in many of my art pieces - eyes are a symbol of art & life for me - In this Piece the big eye contains many smaller eyes of different colours, sizes and all the eyes are looking in different directions - I did this because I like to look at the world outside of me and The world inside of me from different perspectives. The eyes also remind me of the planets in our solar system always moving through our Universe. The Colours and textures in the background represent Space and the Universe for Me - in my Imagination and through my art I create different worlds and universes. So, where is my Mind? My Mind is in so many places at once. My imagination creates so many different worlds. I am happy to have art to share these worlds with other curious people like me.