Track to Treasure

Silas • 9 • Wicklow

8-11 Category   •  2024
I love drawing tracks. I’ve drawn so many of them. There are six people on this track and I am telling the story of these six people so they are repeated again and again and again. In this track, they are searching for treasure so I called my picture Track to Treasure. This is actually part 2 of a two part track. In the first part one of the people dies so there’s only five people on this one. They go down a mountain. A person goes out and nearly falls into a pit of spikes and then falls down on the edge near the treasure chest, but the person who has the key couldn’t get there. Some of them have a parachute and jump. One of them is supposed to be me. I’m the character with the top hat. The other four are of my friends from school and one of them is wearing a hard hat, one is wearing a bowler hat, one has no hat and one had a super suit but you can’t see it because it got destroyed in part 1.

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