Ideas Adventure

Ronan • 5 • Dublin

Under 7 Category   •  2024
The inspiration of my picture is creativity, lots of imagination. There are two spare wheels at the top of my truck to make it look like a platypus and now it’s a platypus-mobile. The idea of the aliens was one of my first things. First I did the line, then the curvy bit, then the triangle bit, then I coloured it in and made it look like a spaceship. And the idea of the guy coming out of the portal is the clock is a time portal machine so he can shoot out portals. And there was a ginormous carrot striking right for the clock. But it already happened and he went through the time portal since he just had enough time to set him into the right spot. He set him towards the clock so it wouldn’t happen over and over again cuz the time machine wouldn’t work without the clock. And the idea of my name upside down was I did a mistake and then I turned it into a good thing. The idea of the cloud shooting at the poison-looking-thing is the poison is trying to get the box because there’s treasure in it. And there was the guys who wanted the treasure and they were twins. So they got the box and they got all the treasure. And then there was this alien queen, she looks a bit creepy but she’s quite nice. And then there’s a doggy on a cloud. He’s a super doggy using magic to try and stop some evil guy but he couldn’t reach far enough. And then the other idea was his brother super doggy. He was gonna play a video game, he was gonna plug in the controller, but he really needed to go to the toilet so he didn’t have enough time. So he went to the toilet and that’s why you can’t see him in the picture. And then the alien queen was saying bad words because there was these really bad guys who were trying to destroy the village And there were these 2 guys trying to fight each other. One has powers and one was in a vehicle that had powers. The vehicle and the guy had the same powers. They were fighting them against each other. They were hitting them in exactly the same places. They made this big ball and it zapped back at both of them. You know the way I said the alien was launching down from the spaceship, he used his powers, his dark magic powers to zap a car. And the car was right beside a secret base that had a disco ball and they were having a secret disco party And that’s pretty much it.

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