sara • 17 • Dublin
16-18 Category • 2024The piece I am submitting for this competition titled “bus stop”, reflects how a rainy school day feels and how inspiring, yet sombre rain is. the frequent heavy rainfall in Ireland feels as if an ocean is being poured down onto us. The rain is peaceful yet also powerful, similar to how we see creatures in the water. They are both intimidating but also immensely beautiful as all nature inherently is. Often times, the rain catches me whilst I am waiting at a bus stop. the only protection I have is my umbrella, preventing the water from spilling onto me. it creates a sort of bubble. The water surrounding the little bubble is filled with hues and colours reflecting the objects around you, it is oddly inspiring. The imagination which can be found in everyone, is let loose and your mind forms images of what the water is reflecting. The rain even if its often seen as negative or sad, is bewitching to me. This painting portrays this feeling, of being surrounded by water with only a small cover to protect you whilst your mind’s imagination creates inspiration from the gloom of the rain.