Loughlin "Lockie" Brady Smith

August 27th, 2024 Interviews

Loughlin "Lockie" Brady Smith is a Sign Writer, Graphic Designer and Lettering Artist based in Dublin. Training as a graphic designer, Lockie instinctively took any opportunity he could to make and create projects with his hands. Craft is patently partnered with design, and for Lockie, is as relevant as any other design practice to date. In a digital era the world needs as much paint as it can get! Typography and lettering has had a grasp on Lockie for as long as he can remember, with his practice now spanning across illustration and decorative art. From hand-painted signs to murals and gilded windows, the charm in creating designs through the lens of craft is not only a necessity for him but is an essential element for the world in which we live in. The opposing practices of digital and analog now nourish each other, and that’s what makes work as exciting as it is. Lockie’s practice also expands into teaching workshops, an opportunity he nourishes to spread his love and appreciation for letterforms and the endless opportunities for variation and expression that there are.

What is your job?

I am a Sign Painter & Lettering Artist

When did you know you wanted art to be your job?

For me it wasn’t something I ever consciously knew or wanted. It was instinctive for me. I never had tv as a kid, so I spent all of my time making, painting & creating.

Did you attend art college and if so what was the experience like?

My mother brought me to The National College of Art & Design when I was just 11 years old. I came home and told her that’s where I was going to study. I knew where I was going to end up before I even started secondary school. That’s how much I knew I had to be an artist in some way, there was no other option! I studied Graphic Design there and graduated in 2020. They were the best years of my life so far, not just from what I learned and how much I developed, but because of all the amazing people I met.

What is the job of art (or of artists?)

As artists we have a particular way of looking at the world. Some find it strange and maybe hard to understand, but it’s incredibly important for us to share this expression we have so that we can encourage others to expand their own ways of thinking. Art helps us be more understanding of each other and the ways of human nature. I’m a visual artist so I need to know the science of art in order to make things look good for everyone else!

What is art to you?

Art is what I am and need in life. Art is my purpose and for me, creating is as important as eating or sleeping.

Why is art important?

Arts saves the world from mundanity.

Do you have a favourite type of art?

Paint is what really excites me, and I find it fascinating because of its purpose and history. Before cameras, all we had were painters to make sure we knew people existed! Then some people decided to experiment with paint and express themselves, branching away from paint as a purely functional material. Now there are so many beautiful ways in which we can use and manipulate paint to express ourselves and show the world how we want to see it! Craft in general is where my heart belongs though. Our hands are what made us human in the first place, separating us from other species. Anything hand-made pays homage to our incredible capabilities.

What inspires you and your art?

My friends inspire me, especially Shane Keeling. Shane displayed such an admirable belief in himself when we were beginning our art journey together that I knew we could have the career we wanted if we worked hard enough and believed in ourselves. I wouldn’t have the drive I have now if I hadn’t been witness to him. I get inspired everyday by things that aren’t letters though. I’m massively inspired by architecture and structures, as the same method applies to designing letters. You are constantly working with space and balance, and a job isn’t done until it’s done right!

Do you have a creative philosophy?

Make for your own sake, people will either like it or dislike it. That’s art.

How do you know if you are a good artist?

That’s a tough one! You have to know the rules before you can break them. A good artist does this well in order to push the boundaries.

What advice do you have for young artists?

If you’re not having fun most of the time you're doing it wrong.

What would advice would you give your teenage self?

Look after your body, you’ll depend on it much more than you think!

What is sign-writing/sign-painting?

Sign writing is a craft that dates back thousands of years. Before printing, the only way to help people find their way around was through hand-painted signage. It involves a lot of knowledge in lettering & layout. Letters are formed using a brush & paint, serif letters for example were born because of the mark a brush leaves on the corner of a brush stroke.

What is gold leaf like to work with as a material?

Very tricky! Also very satisfying. Gold leaf in an incredibly delicate & valuable material. You must be patient, careful and considerate of the material. One puff of breath can blow it away!

Do you work with any other metal materials?

No, just gold leaf and paint really! Sometimes I like to work with Ink and paper, even glitter on glass! Always leave room for experimentation.

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